Thursday, November 29, 2007

Not only did I lose the lottery but unfortunately I may also have contracted Teenage Mutant Ninja Herpes

I'm in a bad mood because my dream of becoming the king of all robot collections died a million deaths yesterday when I lost Powerball again. Apparently my powerballs were not powerful enough. Damn, it was up to 150 trypzillion dollars and I spent days dreaming about how I was going to need that money to run for president of Japan. My sole platform issue would have been the creation of a Ministry of Gundam so that Japanese civil servants could spend their time at work editing the Gundam wiki all day without getting reprimanded. Boy did they totally overreact last month when they found one of their agriculture ministry workers did 260 Gundam Wiki contributions at work. But I lost the lottery so my humanitarian aspirations of making the world more tolerant towards toy robot nerds in the Japanese government were crushed. (And if Japan didn't elect me president, plan B was I would use my millions to begin construction on the third Death Star so I could blow up the earth.) Unfortunately those dreams will have to wait.

The Japanese Ministry of Agriculture hard at work

What also sucks besides losing 15 million dollars I never had is that my chest is breaking out in weird acne-like blisters that feel really sore. This is either a) ultimate alien breast cancer b) the Omega Supreme of mosquito bite attacks or c) Teenage Mutant Ninja Herpes. Either way I am totally boned. As if it all weren't bad enough, adding to the bad news was Richard's report that my 'Deal of the Week' from a couple weeks back was a total bust. It turns out the store that had those Takara reissue Insectrons just never bothered to take down their webpage solicitation even after they sold out. So "Deal of the Week" was more like Deal with their Weak HTML skills.

But despite being destitute and ravaged by martian STDs, I still was able to find a great deal on Yamato's silver plated Valkyrie stands. has them for like $25 which is a steal. They also have a good deal on 1/48 super & strike parts but I don't remember that price and I can't look it up now because unfortunately my bad luck week continues and their site doesn't seem to be working as I write this. It figures. Now that powerball is back down to 15 million I wonder how much Death Star I can build with that.


Heavyarms said...

I've pretty much decided that if I ever win the lottery, I'm going to buy one of the new Dodge Chargers, and have it painted a metallic orange, with 01 door decals and a Rebel flag on the roof.

Oh, and lots of little plastic men.

Did you see the Gundam model in that picture? Those are sweet. I'd buy one of those, too. They're only about 2500 bucks, I think.

Evil King Macrocranios said...

I'd pay 2,500 for that japanese chick. I found another site with the story that had a picture of her standing on the other side. I'd like to see that whole photo shoot. It would be really hot if she started humping that robot. I wonder why Japanese cartoons feature such outrageously disproportionate caricatures of women when their real ones are totally boneable.


Minibox 3 Column Blogger Template by James William at 2600 Degrees

Evil King Macrocranios was voted king by the evil peoples of the Kingdom of Macrocrania. They listen to Iron Maiden all day and try to take pictures of ghosts with their webcams.