The 31st seal of the Roboplastic Apocalypse KRAKKKS apart like the front of your truck as special guest Don Perlin takes you for a spin through the Car Wash of Doom! Mr. Perlin's career as a writer, penciller, inker and cover artist spans so much comic book history you'd need a space bridge to get through all of it! Listen in strange suspense as I tell uncanny tales of my journey to Ancient City Con 2011 to meet a living legend of comics and ask him about his days as the regular penciller on Marvel's Transformers comic from late 1985 through 1987. Did being the man drawing the greatest toy robot comic of all time change his life profoundly (and if not, did it at least bag him a cool robot collection)? Did he know Stan Lee was a big fan of Battlechargers? And where can I get some original pages from Buster Witwicky and the Car Wash of Doom? Find out all that and more in this DECEPTICON GRAFFITI CAR WASH TIME MACHINE edition of the Podcastalypse!
Or download it directly
Transformers #25 pg 8![]() | Transformers #31 pg 18![]() |

DRAW!-With weapons like this, Stormtroopers, cowboys, aliens, Jedis, robots and blank paper all feared Don Perlin at Ancient City Con. Nobody pointed a blaster, lightsaber or Pokeball at him and got away with it. I think some Stormtroopers might have peed themselves.
Of course huge thanks goes out to Mr. Perlin and Ancient City Con for making all this possible. You can find Mr. Perlin on Facebook and check out his gallery at ComicArtFans. He's still taking commissions and selling original Transformers comic art so drop him a line at DPerlin@Bellsouth.net to score some great art (Transformer or otherwise) or just to say hi.

- Ancient City Con!
- A brief overview of Don Perlin's career
- Don Perlin's entry at ComicBookDB.com
- Don Perlin's run on Transformers
- The best a man can hope for
- Bob Budiansky is my Stan Lee
- MegaCon 2011 "The Art of the Cover" panel at the SupermanFan podcast
- Interview with Don Perlin
- Starting on Transformers after leaving Defenders
- Staying as a penciler on books for the long haul
- How to start an instant Transformer collection
- The limitations of working from Sunbow model sheets
- Still taking out the garbage
- The Stan Lee Transformer fan letter
- The difficulties of conveying emotion when your characters all wear facemasks
- Designing Scrounge, Straxus and Spanner
- The huge Transformer commission I mentioned in the interview
- Don Perlin's page at Comic Art Fans
- Working with inker M. Hands
- Reluctance of artists to work on toy books
- Turning down G.I. Joe and regretting it
- Still doing commissions and selling original art
- Post interview thoughts
- Buying original Transformer art
- Scrounge's significance in my life
- Grimlock's crown and other stories I didn't catch on tape
- Not getting issue 13 signed
- Living with post-convention wouldas and shouldas
- The Masterpiece Grimlock Transformer toy that is a tribute to Don Perlin
- Don't rocket punch your friends!
(P.S. During the interview I mentioned Bob Budiansky told of how Stan Lee once sent a fan letter complimenting a Transformers book Mr. Perlin worked on, specifically issue #23, "Decepticon Graffitti". You can read this story in interviews Mr. Budiansky has done at AlteredStatesMag.com and also at the Transmasters UK's geocities page. Mr. Budiansky has also mentioned that the Perlin-era Space Bridge story arc from issues 17 and 18 of Transformers is one of his favorites from the time he wrote Transformers.)