The 26th seal of the Roboplastic Apocalypse bursts into a mighty explosion of flames and burnt pepperoni like a 5 dollar pizza being sliced by Voltron's blazing sword! It's a Voltronian MegaConocalypse as the Nostrodomatron descends upon Orlando, Florida during MegaCon 2011 to record interviews with artists Jayson Kretzer, Juan Antonio Fontanez Jr., Danielle Soloud and Luis Diaz! They all had art in either the Voltron sketch card set or the Voltron: United and Drawn book released last year by 5finity Productions. Be amazed by how much you have in common with these Voltronian artist people! Did you ever think the Voltron Force pilots should carpool? If you could draw would you let people pay you in toy robots? Did you feel Power Rangers was really just Voltron with dinosaurs? Does seeing Voltron combine make you worry about your prostate? If the answer to any of these was yes then you're gonna love this IT'S ALL FUN AND GAMES UNTIL BLACK LION TRIES TO PUT HIS LEG UP YOUR BUTT edition of the Podcastalypse!
Or download it directly

Jayson Kretzer of the webcomic WannbeHeroes did a couple Voltron cards where Voltron was spewing fire out of his lion hands, which if you think about it is the only imagery even more terrifying than a giant robot with lion hands in the first place. Did Voltron ever really do that anywhere other than in the nightmares of marshmallow robeasts? I had to ask him about it! He's also the only artist I've met this long after the Voltron card set's release that still had one of his Voltron cards for sale right there on his table. Dang I should have bought it. In the meantime I can always check out his DeviantArt for examples of his other Voltron cards and the piece he did for Voltron United and Drawn.

Juan Antonio Fontanez Jr. knows the horrors of toy robot addiction and he is happy to let you be his supplier. I was happy to buy Voltron United and Drawn from him and get a great shot of him working alongside Optimus Prime. You can see the blazing sword card we talked about over on his Deviant Art page. Also over there are the rough pencils and finished version of the initial submission he did that got him hired on the Voltron card set. He told me to come back after I got my other interviews and he'd do a sketch in my book, but before I knew it the con was over. I will definitely hit him up again when he comes down south this July for Florida Supercon.

Danielle Soloud's got a webcomic called Life with Death and one of the characters is an undead dog named Rotty who has a detached eyeball hanging out of his skull. I have a feeling if I asked her to draw Rotty chasing one of the Voltron mice she would totally do it. I will totally get the chance when she comes down to Miami this Fourth of July weekend for Florida Supercon! Until then, check out her DeviantArt page for that great rendering she did of Princess Allura on a really REALLY familiar blue rug. Did I mention she's fluent in sarcasm?

Luis Diaz! The name strikes fear into the hearts of Cabbage Patch Kid lovers everywhere. It also kinda makes the yellow lion a bit uncomfortable, too! Better blogs than mine have interviewed Luis before on subjects ranging from his work on the Terminator Salvation cards to his run on Garbage Pail Kids but I think the Roboplastic Podcastalypse is the only place he's ever talked about his art being inspired by prostate exams. Check him out at LuisDiazArt.com and also on his Facebook.

- Chun Li ruins the intro!
- It's MegaCon Sunday!
- Kinda like Botcon but with Pokemononians
- Does this robot costume make me look fat?
- No convention for old GoBotronians
- Shogun Warrior Voltrons abound
- Pretenders hide the five dollars inside
- Interview with Jayson Kretzer [5:42 mark]
- Old Shogun Warriors standing around
- R2-D2 people are good people
- The many flavors of R2-D2
- Overwhelming show for MegaVirgins
- Interview with Juan Antonio Fontanez Jr. [13:50 mark]
- Voltron United & Drawn is a good united book about drawn Voltrons
- The haul: a Super Robot Chogokin Mazinger Z I bought
- Running into Chuck Rozanski
- Interview with Danielle Soloud [24:30 mark]
- 5finity's giant lion of a task combining artists to draw a giant combining lion of a robot
- Going to the Super Robot Scramble and How to Draw Star Wars panels
- Interview with Luis Diaz [31:46 mark]
- ProsTATE!
- Leaving MegaCon
- Break-MegaCon 2011 commercial
- Post-show wrapup
- Treating people wearing 80s cartoon shirts like cosplay superstars
- My decades long failure in acquiring Voltronian souvenirs
- Thanks to all the artists!
- Thanks to 5finity Productions
- Thanks to Zack
- The SupermanFan podcast has MegaCon panel audio
- Don't rocket punch your friends!