TODAY: JC Penny at Dadeland Mall in Miami hosts Darth Vader on October 28th, 1979. Awesome line of the ad: "Also meet BOBA FETT"!

Minibox 3 Column Blogger Template by James William at 2600 Degrees
Evil King Macrocranios was voted king by the evil peoples of the Kingdom of Macrocrania. They listen to Iron Maiden all day and try to take pictures of ghosts with their webcams.
Wow. That's kind of cool since Boba Fett was, what, a year away from appearing on the big screen? I wonder how accurate the costume was.
That's a good question about the Boba Fett costume. I tried googling for pictures from store appearances like this but I realized that even if such photos existed people probably wouldn't remember the exact date they saw him. I also realized that I've been spelling 'JC Penney' wrong my entire life.
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