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Mr. Marcos signed the Kid Stuff books he co-illustrated with his daughter Judith.

R2-D2 @ TBCC 14

Navarro Pharmacy 25 November 1984
- Last episode's depressing intro
- Getting to meet Pablo Marcos at UltraCon
- My pictures from UltraCon July 2014
- Embracing the suck
- Seeing Mike Zeck at TBCC 2014
- The mystery of who did the cover to Marvel's Transformers #3
- ComicBookDB.com says Mike Zeck did it
- Mike Zeck on whether or not he did TF #3's cover
- That time I got Bill Sienkiewicz, Michael Golden, and Mark Texeira to hold their Transformer covers
- Alternate theories on the artist behind #3’s cover
- My pics from Tampa Bay Comic Con Sunday
- Alternate theory on non-Budiansky tech specs writers
- Larry Hama denies doing Transformer file cards via Facebook
- No one will ever love the things you do as much as you
- Crappy GoBots ad from a Miami pharmacy in 1984
- Don't Rocket Punch Your Friends!